10 Tracks Guaranteed To Trigger Your Movie Memory

2. Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen, Wayne's World

Waynes Speaking of Mike Myers... The movie Wayne's World definitely wins the prestigious honour of best rock out scene in a movie ever, and where would the movie be without a killer track to rock out to? Bohemian Rhapsody is an amazing song in its own right written by an extremely talented man, but I just cannot shift the visual of this scene every time I hear the song. This scene is so fantastically poignant because it is so honest and simple, we all do exactly the same as the characters in the film when we hear this song. Air instruments and head banging is so necessary, you cannot listen to this without thinking of these characters in the car just absolutely revelling in the music. Whether we as an audience would have taken part in said head banging to this song anyway without seeing the film is an interesting question, but which came first the chicken or the egg?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzUU7SRRsGo

Lady from Liverpool, UK with a BA in English Literature and American Studies currently residing in lovely Melbourne, Australia. Writing and indulging in everything music and television from Kanye West to True Blood. If your a TV fanatic, music lover or just want to have a little nose at what I have to say, check out my blog at aleafoutofhollysbook.wordpress.com