10 TRAGIC Predictions For Avengers 4

4. Gamora Doesn't Return

Gamora Death
Marvel Studios

Though she's been announced for Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3, there's nothing yet to say that Gamora is definitely coming back from the dead. She was, after all, very definitively sacrificed by Thanos to get the Soul Stone. And that Stone doesn't seem like it would come with caveats allowing its own soul transactions to be undone.

We're all assuming that Gamora is trapped within the Stone based on Thanos' vision at the end of the film (in the wake of the snap), but what if that was no more than a projection fabricated entirely in his mind. He was dying (thanks to Thor's wound) and had been permanently damaged by the use of the Gauntlet - his vision could have been nothing more than a fever dream.

And that could mean that Gamora is permanently dead, which would be an easy way to reiterate just how huge the power of the Infinity Stones is.

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Avengers 4
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