10 Traumatic Star Wars Facts You Wish You Hadn’t Heard
1. According To Ian McDiarmid, Palpatine Does Indeed Have Sex

If you want to nitpick, this one doesn't really count as a fully canonised fact.
However, with it coming straight from the mouth of the bloke who played the most barbaric and terrifying bloke in the galaxy, it's about as close to canon as you can get without being added to Wookieepedia.
When talking to Empire about the legendary big bad for the magazine's celebration of 25 years of the prequels, Emperor Palpatine actor Ian McDiarmid would tell them, “Please don’t pursue that line too vigorously. But yes, he does [have sex]. It’s a horrible idea to think of Palpatine having sex in any shape or form."
It's worth noting that, despite the actor feeling Sidious did indeed "do it", he was quick to add, "But then, of course, perhaps he didn’t," before then going on to say that maybe midi-chlorians had something to do with the creation of Rey's father (who was a strand cast of Palpatine in canon).
Whether you choose to believe McDiarmid's opinion that Palpatine did the deed or not, either way, the wrinkly old force of evil going at it is a visual not a single soul on this planet wants in their minds.
So, erm, apologies for putting it there.