10 Trippiest Horror Movies Of All Time

7. Videodrome

Beyond The Black Rainbow
Universal Pictures

More than 40 years after release, David Cronenberg's Videodrome remains as relevant as ever - a genuinely horrifying warning of the potential for technological to rot and warp both the body and mind.

In a time where tech pervades basically every facet of human existence and social media shapes the state of the world, Videodrome's heightened satire-cum-cautionary tale - centered around a TV signal transmitting brutal torture and murder - hits harder than ever before. 

With its ever-distorting perspective on "reality" and bevy of nauseating body horror imagery, Videodrome is a bad trip writ large - a manic allegory for the sense of self lost amid our pathological need to consume.

That Videodrome is itself a horror movie about our relationship with movies and media in general only makes it that much more sobering a sit. And even watched today, it still leaves one pondering what the dangerous future of technology and entertainment might be.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.