10 Trippiest Horror Movies Of All Time

4. Enter the Void

Beyond The Black Rainbow
Wild Bunch Distribution

Though some might argue that Gaspar Noé's experimental drama Enter the Void isn't strictly speaking a horror film, it nevertheless offers one of the most terrifying rollercoaster rides ever transmitted to human eyeballs.

Right from its unforgettably kaleidoscopic opening credits sequence, Noé's film is perhaps cinema's single greatest rendition of a drug trip, revolving around a man tripping balls on DMT and rexamining his past while bleeding out from a gunshot wound.

As if the concept isn't horrifying enough, the ever-provocative Noé doubles down with a two-and-a-half-hour assault on the senses, fusing hypnotic, nightmarish imagery with the horrors of the human heart, examining some of the darkest, ugliest corners of existence.

By the end of Noé's film, it's fair to surmise that the only thing scarier than lifelong trauma is dying slowly while high off your gourd on drugs. There aren't any supernatural monsters to be found here - only the crushing, arguably scarier realities of the soul.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.