10 True Stories Explained By Horror Movies

6. Willow Creek

The Dyatlov Pass Incident Devils Pass Harlin
Dark Sky Films

You don't believe in Bigfoot? Well, time to think twice on that stance, since Willow Creek is hellbent on convincing you the big hairy fella is out there and oh boy, is he horny. I wish that was just a joke, but no. He really is.

In fact, Willow Creek doesn't settle for just one Bigfoot, but implies there's a whole host of Big... feet... living in the Six Rivers National Forest by the end of the movie. These cryptids are quite happy in their woodland home, but require 'forest brides' to procreate with that they kidnap from human populations. Jim's grand idea to camp in the titular location turns out to be especially bad for his girlfriend Kelly when she's taken kicking and screaming into the darkness then, the idea being that she's the next Bigfoot bride-to-be.

Okay, yes, this is totally stretching the 'true story' part of this list. But if you're even the tiniest bit interested in the fabled Bigfoot footage this is a really interesting take on the legend that posits the experience as true, throwing in a whole bunch of fun explanation and bonus facts in along the way. Live a little.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.