10 Truly Insane Movie Sequels That Are In The Works

4. Netflix's Controversial Erotic Drama 365 Days Is Getting TWO Sequels

middle aged face off

By far the most controversial major film release of 2020 was 365 Days, Netflix's Polish erotic drama following a woman who gets kidnapped and imprisoned by a handsome gangster, who promises to release her after 365 days if she doesn't fall in love with him.

The film was universally panned by critics for downplaying rape and sexual coercion, in attempting to spin a romance out of what is a fundamentally abusive "relationship."

Despite or perhaps because of the controversy, 365 Days became a global hit worldwide and remains one of Netflix's most-watched films, no matter that it received six Razzie nominations (and went on to win Worst Screenplay).

Many speculated whether Netflix would actually proceed with adapting the other two novels in Blanka LipiƄska's trilogy, but it was recently confirmed that, indeed, the streamer has already begun filming the two sequels, tentatively entitled 365 Days Part 2 and 365 Days Part 3, back-to-back.

Who ever heard of morals when there's money to be made and subscribers to retain, right?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.