10 Excrutiatingly Awful Movie Posters

7. Sex and the City 2

Here is a case of artists taking everything bad about a film and making it glaringly, devastatingly obvious to the viewer. Granted, the type of audience who would rip this poster to pieces are never going to go watch the film anyway, but there's no denying that conceptually it is a horrible piece of movie marketing. Rather than, you know, be honest about the process of ageing - given that the show and the films have sort of confronted this - the art team have crassly ironed out any hint that these women might be real people, instead giving them the soulless and unnatural look achieved above. Particularly horrifying are the two women at the centre; Sarah Jessica Parker gets enough stick as it is for apparently resembling a foot, and the way she is presented here does her no favours, with some bizarre eye work, either through bad make up, bad Photoshopping or a mixture of the two. Worse still is Kim Catrall, whose doe-eyed expression looks like it's about to slide away from the rest of her face. Oh, and the sand sparkles; that's just silly.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.