10 TV Show Finales Fans Totally Rejected

9. House Of Cards

Game Of Thrones finale

Netflix faced an extremely tricky situation with House of Cards' sixth and final season.

Though originally set up as the climactic showdown between new President Claire Underwood (Robin Wright) and her former-POTUS husband Frank (Kevin Spacey), plans were forced to change when sexual assault allegations were levelled against Kevin Spacey.

And so, Spacey was fired from season six while Wright was promoted to the lead role, with Frank having died under mysterious circumstances off-screen between seasons.

While the entire season evidently struggled through Frank's sudden absence, things came to a risible head in the series finale, when it was revealed that Frank was actually poisoned by his former Chief of Staff Doug Stamper (Michael Kelly) in a wildly unconvincing twist.

Worse still, Claire then stabs Doug to death in the series' final scene, placing a hilariously melodramatic capper on a show that had become increasingly untethered to reality in its later seasons.

Again, the showrunners were in a super tough predicament here, but did they really need to deign to their silliest and most melodramatic impulses at the final hurdle? Awful.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.