7. Bruce Willis - The Action Hero

Even when Bruce Willis was a young man, he always came across as a grizzled action hero. That's probably a huge part of the reason why he's been able to have such a consistently successful career over the years, because he never aged out of the role that he was best at. But at the same time, his longevity has made it nearly impossible for him to play any other types of characters. He's still playing the same cops, soldiers, and general badasses he played when he was in his 30s, there's just a little more arthritis involved. It's the difference between Die Hard and Red -- over twenty years separate the films, but the characters are so similar that you can almost make a case for Frank Moses simply being an older version of John McClane. And sure, you can make the argument that he has stepped out of the box every once in a while, most notably with his subdued performance in The Sixth Sense, but when all is said and done, that's not what Bruce Willis is going to be remembered for.