10 Ultimate Bunny Boiler Films

2. Play Misty For Me (1971)

Dave, a late night radio DJ, heads to the pub where he meets a woman called Evelyn who just turns out to be his biggest fan - the one who always requests Misty. Dave and Evelyn get down to business. This is a one night stand for Dave but Evelyn becomes obsessed with him. She follows him, attempts suicide in his house, attacks his housekeeper - after which she is put in a psychiatric hospital. But it's hard to keep a good bunny boiler down. Dave rekindles an old love affair with a woman called Tobie when out of the blue comes another 'Play Misty For Me' phone call from Evelyn. That night, Evelyn tries to attack Dave with a knife while he sleeps but gets away. Tobie is warned about Evelyn and her homicidal tendencies. She advertises for a room mate to keep safe, but guess who the new girl is? Evelyn in all her deranged glory. Can Dave save his woman from Miss Psycho 1971? Exciting and compelling, with some nice jazz music Clint Eastwood's directorial debut, in which he played the part of Dave as well, is a great little film. It is suspenseful and it plays like a horror movie with Evelyn as the villainess. She is not a likeable or sympathetic character and at times in the film, you wish that Clint Eastwood would swat her like the particularly annoying blue bottle she is so we could go back to listening to some smooth jazz. And added to this is the fact that Evelyn can't be kept back - she constantly resurrects herself in a way that would do Lazarus proud. The scenic Californian coast is put to good use in the film, as is the poem 'Annabel' by Edgar Allen Poe. It must be said, that although her character is annoying, Jessica Walter puts in a sterling performance as Evelyn and brings her lunacy frighteningly alive on the screen. A very chilling movie.

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!