10 Unanswered Horror Movie Questions That Keep Us Up At Night

3. Were MacReady and Blair Infected? (The Thing 1982)

This is possibly one of the best endings in a genre film because it puts the audience in the same position as its characters; they don€™t know who to trust. After surviving shape-shifting alien attack on their Antarctic base MacReady (Kurt Russell) and Childs (Keith David) await their fate of freezing to death with a bottle of scotch. The most popular theory is that MacReady was still human and Childs was infected. The alien is uncovered after being frozen so when a stalemate is a reached why would the Thing not simply wait to be frozen and try again. But why would Childs not attack MacReady if MacReady wasn€™t also infected? This brings us to the Double Trouble theory. Childs was infected by Blair and MacReady was infected sometime after the blood sample test. Since they are both infected that is why they do not attack each other. The third possibility is that only MacReady was infected at the end and he was infecting Childs by sharing the bottle with Childs. Remember, never share bottles during an alien attack.
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Alexandra has written about horror films for the Toronto Star, Famous Monsters of Filmland, Rue Morgue and her own blog Scare Tactic. She lives, works and survives in Canada.