10 Unanswered Horror Movie Questions That Keep Us Up At Night

4. What Was Whispered to Mademoiselle by Anna? (Martyrs 2008)

Martyrs is about a underground organization that spends a lot of money trying to understand what happens in the afterlife by kidnapping and torturing people until they are on the verge of death in the hopes that they will become martyrs. The film follows a young woman named Anna who in the second half of the film is captured by this organization, tortured and eventually becomes a martyr. The leader of this organization referred to as Mademoiselle speaks to Anna to learn what happens after you die. In the next scene Mademoiselle informs one of the members of the organization that what Anna told her was clear and precise and that he should €œkeep doubting€. She then places a gun in her mouth and commits suicide. Similarly to The Thing the end of Martyrs leaves us with clues but no decisive information. Martyrs leaves the audience with a very real death but why? What did Anna say that inspired such dramatic action? Mademoiselle€™s phrase €œkeep doubting€ is an interesting clue. It can be taken to mean that there are other doubters in the organization and they must discover the €œtruth€ for themselves. My favourite take on the ending is that Anna lied to Mademoiselle intentionally. Mademoiselle€™s punishment for doing these horrible things to Anna was that she was told there was no afterlife and rather than have failed her followers she kills herself. Mademoiselle€™s evil means will justify her end.
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Alexandra has written about horror films for the Toronto Star, Famous Monsters of Filmland, Rue Morgue and her own blog Scare Tactic. She lives, works and survives in Canada.