10 Unanswered Movie Questions That Kept You Up All Night

3. How The Hell Do You Use The Three Seashells? - Demolition Man (1993)

For LAPD Sgt. John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone), the future is a perplexing setting, full of new rules, social etiquette and technology to adjust to. This includes the mystery of the three seashells, which have somehow replaced toilet paper in the futuristic setting of the sci-fi spectacle Demolition Man. These seashells seem to be designed to make our bathroom duties much more comfortable and pleasurable, and in a future where the only restaurant to survive the "Franchise Wars" is Taco Bell, that's definitely a necessity (needless to say, no one has ever had a Beefy 5-Layer Burrito and then had a pleasant bathroom experience afterwards). But how exactly do these seashells work? The film never explains. Is it just a futuristic take on the bidet? Do you use two seashells like chopsticks, pull gently and scrape what€™s left with the third? Do these seashells just suck the fecal matter out of you, vacuum style? Do you dispose of the seashells after you use them? If not, does everyone have to share the same three seashells in any given bathroom? If this is the case, it's hard not imagine a scenario where this isn't the grossest situation ever. The future is a weird place.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com