10 Unbelievable Movie Facts That Are Somehow True

7. M. Night Shyamalan Surprisingly Helped Write A Little Family Flick

Harry Potter
Columbia Pictures

The lover of mind-blowing twists known as M. Night Shyamalan has crafted some of the finest big-screen thrillers and horrors of the last three decades, writing and directing everything from Signs, to Unbreakable, to Old during his intriguing career. Perhaps more surprising than any of his many iconic and shocking twists, however, is the fact this creator of rather tense and suspense-filled flicks once helped make one of the sweetest movies of the '90s.

There was a time there when Shyamalan was very much "fighting to make family films” (via NME), and it was that urge to create this sort of work once upon a time which led to him co-writing the screenplay for the first Stuart Little picture - a family friendly, talking mouse hit that actually arrived in theatres the same year as Shyamalan's iconic thriller The Sixth Sense.

Shyamalan wouldn't return to help write either of the follow-ups, but it's still rather odd to think that the mind behind many a chilling supernatural picture was also partly responsible for writing the adaptation of this funny, heartwarming story of a mouse being adopted by a human family.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...