10 Unbelievable Movies Based On True Stories

2. Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS

Like pretty much everyone else on the planet, you probably think that the 1975 American exploitation film Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS is just a daft bit of Grindhouse that's a good excuse to parade a bunch of nude women around and then subject them to loads of torture. While you're mostly right, there's the unexpected truth that the character of Ilsa, who subjected women to endless torture in order to prove that they could withstand more abuse than men, is essentially a portmanteau of two of the SS's most powerful female officers, Ilsa Koch and Irma Grese. Again, while we think that the movie equivalent couldn't get anymore horrific, it turns out that the film is in fact a toned down version of real events. Ilsa Koch, for instance, wouldn't just torture detainees, but would keep body parts as souvenirs, and countless other things I can't stomach to mention. In the interests of being flippant, sexy fun, these more disturbing details were of course removed from the exploitation equivalent.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.