10 Unbelievable Star Wars Facts That Are Somehow True

6. Ithorians Possess Four Throats

Unbelievable Star Wars Facts Mace Windu Star Wars

The Star Wars franchise is home to some of the most bizarre, quirky, and intriguing alien species ever to appear on-screen.

And perhaps the most fascinating of the lot can be seen in the likes of The Book of Boba Fett, The Clone Wars animated series, and even as far back as in the first-ever Star Wars feature.

Ithorians, or the alien with a head shaped like a giant "L" as you likely know it, have made their presence felt throughout the galaxy. Some have gone on to use the Force and become Jedi. Others took a different path and turned to bounty hunting. And then there were those who simply enjoyed a spot of gardening.

Also, on top of boasting a whopping two different mouths and stomachs, these "hammerheads" also possessed a staggering four throats. All that inner machinery resulted in a ridiculously low, rumbling voice, but one that wasn't able to utter the Galactic Basic Standard language spoken by much of the galaxy.

That's why these folks can often be found speaking the language folks on Earth know as English via things like translator collars.

So, there you have it. These compelling Ithorians are so much more than just a bunch of pretty faces.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...