10 Unbelievable Star Wars Facts That Are Somehow True

5. Traditional Guns Exist In Star Wars

Unbelievable Star Wars Facts Mace Windu Star Wars

If Obi-Wan Kenobi felt Star Wars' blasters were "so uncivilised", you can only imagine what the wise Jedi Master would have thought of this far more familiar alternative to that fantasy blaster bolt firer.

When you think of your average rebel, clone trooper, stormtrooper, battle droid, or smuggler shooting at whatever enemy was heading their way, a bright shot of light erupting out the end of an awesome-looking rifle/pistol of sorts typically springs to mind.

However, that's not to say that the sort of weapon folks on our own planet would use on the battlefield doesn't exist in the galaxy far, far away, too.

Firearms are very much present in Star Wars. Although they typically go by the name of slugthrowers, firing out "slugs" - solid projectiles - from pistols, rifles, and scatter guns.

That last explosive weapon has popped up in places like the Star Wars Battlefront video games over the years.

And slugthrowers are said to be a right pain in the butt for Jedi in particular, largely due to the fact they can't simply deflect the slugs as they would a blaster bolt. Instead the slugs just melt after connecting with a lightsaber blade, leading to hot metal shooting all over the place mid-duel.

What a nightmare.

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