10 Uncharacteristically Competent Actions By Dumb Movie Characters

6. Stifler Saves The Wedding (American Pie: The Wedding)

As Jim Levenstein and Michelle Flaherty prepared for their wedding, Steve Stifler crashes affairs and declares himself a guest, despite the fact that the couple were trying to keep it a secret from him - knowing that he would ruin everything with his crude (and frankly dumb) behaviour. Surely enough, Stifler's presence resulted in numerous catastrophes - despite the fact he promised to tone his behaviour down - including being vulgar in front of Michelle's sister Cadence, accidentally feeding the wedding ring to a dog and killing most of the flowers. He was thrown out of the wedding venue and told that he wasn't welcome, as a result. However, he would go on to prove that he wasn't always the obnoxious, ignorant idiot that we had been led to believe he was. He convinced the local florist to put together a new batch of lovely flowers and enlisted the help of his fellow football players and Bear (a gay man he'd met earlier) to redecorate the wedding venue. Showing remorse about his treatment of Cadence, he also gave her a rose. The wedding ultimately went as planned - thanks largely to Stifler.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.