10 Most Underrated 90s Teen Movies

4. Good Burger

Rotten Tomatoes: 33% Alright, so we won't be expecting much support on this next one, a comedy starring Kenan and Kel based off a skit from their hit show All That. If you're not a fan of the team's brand of humour, Good Burger will do absolutely nothing for you, but if you can get on-board with their particular type of inspired lunacy, this is a perversely entertaining, if rather bone-headed, comedy that's great for kids and strangely entertaining for (mostly nostalgic) adults. The gag-rate may be hit-and-miss at times, but the movie's charm is what keeps it going: the bizarre dream sequence in which Ed (Kel Mitchell) sees talking burgers, the Sinbad cameo, Abe Vigoda in a supporting role as a Good Burger employee, the douchey manager of Mondo Burger Kurt, Carmen Electra and that annoyingly catchy "We're All Dudes" song. It's a sweetly earnest movie with plenty of energy, and though it won't earn the duo any new converts, it's a silly blast if you're a fan.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.