10 Underrated Horror Film Sequels That Deserve Another Chance This Halloween

Tired of watching the same films every Halloween? Look no further.

Horror fans love their franchises. Suckers for coming back over and over again when it comes to their favourite series', lovers of the genre share a feverish passion for these flicks that rivals just about any film community out there. And just like every movie fandom, debates rage endlessly over which movies in these franchises deserve to be remembered and revered, and which deserve to be cast aside as a blight on the entire brand. However, with so many films to consider, it's no surprise that some brilliant hidden gems get overlooked in favour of the more mainstream and well-known instalments. As a result, there's probably plenty of entries into your favourite horror franchises that you've written off purely because they aren't ever brought into the conversation. With horror instalments arriving with so much baggage and mythology already attached to them, sometimes you've just got to separate yourself from the pain of expectation in order to truly appreciate these unloved classics. It's hard, but when you do, you'll realise there's plenty of brilliant horror flicks ready to watch that have been under your nose the entire time.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3