10 Underrated Horror Film Sequels That Deserve Another Chance This Halloween
10. The Exorcist III
While turning a film as revered as The Exorcist into a franchise seems like sacrilege, you can't really fault Warner Bros. for trying to capitalise on the brand's immense popularity. You can fault them, however, for not actually putting any thought at all into creating these follow-up sequels. But even a franchise as patchy as The Exorcist still managed to release a couple of films that lived up to the potential of that classic first movie. The Exorcist III, while perhaps more conventional and straight-forward than the iconic original, still holds up as an imaginative and worthy successor all these years later. Making the bold move to take the story into new and interesting directions and no longer relying on recreating the most memorable set-pieces of the 1973 original, this third film subverts what you've come to expect from a flick with "The Exorcist" in the title - and the final product is all the better for it. Just make sure you don't accidentally watch the second film instead. Seriously, nobody deserves that.