10 Underrated Horror Film Sequels That Deserve Another Chance This Halloween

2. Day Of The Dead

Until 2005's Land of The Dead, George A. Romero's beloved zombie series could do no wrong. With the original Night of The Living Dead essentially creating an entire sub-genre and sequel Dawn showing the zombie apocalypse on a much more ambitious scale, this one franchise allowed the iconic director to create two of the most respected horror films of all time. Unfortunately though, the director's third effort in the series, Day of The Dead, didn't quite resonate with fans as much as its predecessors. With a fresh setting, a world that was completely taken over by zombies and a kind of comic book human villain, the sequel marked a radical departure for the once-grounded series. But that change of pace is exactly what makes this third 'Dead' film so great. Keeping the same basic premise of a group of misfits trapped in a single location, Day of The Dead was much wackier (and much gorier) than anything Romero had ever done before. It might not have had the same biting social commentary as the previous two efforts, but this often overlooked sequel more than made up for it with excellent characters and a wry streak of pitch-black humour.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3