10 Underrated Horror Film Sequels That Deserve Another Chance This Halloween

6. 28 Weeks Later

Although 28 Weeks Later removed a lot of what made Danny Boyle's creative not-zombie movie so unique in the first place - the grainy aesthetic, the 'realistic' setting and the overly British feel to everything - this Americanized follow-up is still a pretty good horror flick in its own right. Taking place, you guessed it, 28 weeks after the initial outbreak of the Rage virus, Britain has been quarantined by the US military under marshal law. It's actually a rather interesting set-up, and the US intervention makes the transition to more American sensibilities that little bit more natural. Of course, this relative moment of peace doesn't last forever, and the second outbreak of the virus wreaks carnage on the streets of London, with some incredibly intense sequences, visceral effects and superb performances cementing this as a worthy follow-up to the original genre-defining masterpiece.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3