10 Underrated Horror Film Sequels That Deserve Another Chance This Halloween

7. Jeepers Creepers 2

While many fans say they loved the original Jeepers Creepers until the Creeper himself turned out to be a weird, supernatural creature, this sequel took the risk of dropping the slow and intense build up of its predecessor to instead utterly indulge in the zanier parts of that first film. Isolating a school bus full of students, the Creeper swoops in to pick each one off over the course of a night. While the slow build of the previous film is gone, this sequel succeeds in creating an infectiously paranoid atmosphere over the uncertainty of when he'll strike next. Like so many films in the genre, the movie suffers from having a few insufferable, purposefully antagonistic jock characters, but the Creeper himself is a such a purely crazy horror villain that he essentially single-handedly saves the movie by making the proceedings just ridiculous enough to be fun.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3