10 Underwhelming Shock Twists That Made Films Worse

5. Now You See Me 1&2 - Everything About Dylan Rhodes And Thaddeus Bradley 

Serenity Matthew McConaughey Anne Hathaway
Summit Entertainment

In Now You See Me, four magicians learn of a secret organisation called The Eye that uses magicians to rob the rich and reward the poor. This quartet become The Four Horsemen: global entertainers that disguise their heists as magic shows. When FBI agent, Dylan Rhodes, learns the Horsemen have stolen millions of dollars, he leads an investigation to have them arrested.

Or so it seems. In the end, we learn Rhodes works with the Eye and orchestrated the Four Horsemen so he could get revenge against former magician, Thaddeus Bradley.

The thing is, this plan... doesn't add up. Throughout the movie, we see Rhodes getting frustrated when he is unable to catch the Horsemen... in private. Why is he getting angry when he's by himself if he's in on the act? Also, did he work for the FBI and lead an entire case just to exact vengeance on one guy?

This twist makes LESS sense in the sequel, which reveals that Thaddeus Bradley is also a member of The Eye! If The Eye are an all-seeing group, how come they failed to mention the rivalling magicians are on the same team? This twist was frustrating as it contradicts Rhode's motivation for the previous movie.

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Serenity 2018
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