10 Underwhelming Shock Twists That Made Films Worse

4. Remember Me - Surprise, It's 9/11!

Serenity Matthew McConaughey Anne Hathaway
Summit Entertainment

Remember Me is a romantic drama that is, ironically, pretty unmemorable save for one bizarre scene. Near the end, Robert Pattison's character, Tyler, arrives in his father's office. The film cuts to a shot of a teacher in a classroom writing the date 'September 11th 2001' on a blackboard. As we cut back to Tyler, the camera zooms out to reveal he is inside the World Trade Centre, moments before the hijacked planes crash into it.

Now, the reason why a twist is effective is because we feel like we should've seen it coming. The reason why the ending of The Sixth Sense was so mind-blowing is because it was layered with foreshadowing.

But with Remember Me, there is no reason to have the final scene take place during 9/11. It's not shocking. It just feels like the writer took advantage of a national tragedy for a gimmicky climax.

Remember Me has the worst type of ending since it's tacked on and disrespectful. The film would've been better if it simply didn't have a conclusive ending. It would be anticlimactic but it also would've been far less offensive.

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Serenity 2018
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