10 Unexpected Moments Of Horrific Violence In Kids' Movies

8. The Tyranosaurus Rex - Fantasia

Walt Disney PicturesWalt Disney PicturesAmong all their films, Fantasia will always stand out in Disney's repertoire for its visuals and dedication to bringing classical music to a younger audience. Featuring two hours of purely visual narrative, it is often hailed as a landmark of cinema. On the other hand, whether or not it's exactly for children has become a debate. While most of the visuals are pretty mild - dancing flowers, ballerina hippos and such - some of it is downright scary. The film's climactic segment, Night on Bald Mountain, is infamous for depicting Satan and his followers dancing for joy in a reign of darkness. The Pastoral Symphony segment even displays topless Centaurette girls getting ready for romance. But what really takes the cake is the jarringly violent Rite of Spring segment, which depicts evolutionary progression in the ancient world. Just when things begin to grow peaceful the herbivore dinosaurs all begin staring off in the same direction and the music€™s tempo picks up, signifying that something terrible is coming. Suddenly, a red-eyed Tyrannosaurus Rex is silhouetted in a flash of lightning. The terrible lizard stalks among its fleeing prey, quickly picking out the slowest among the herd, a stumpy Stegosaur. A battle for life and death ensues where the T-Rex sinks its large teeth into the Stegosaur's neck multiple times, shaking it ferociously in attempts to snap the spine. The stegosaur vainly repels the T-Rex a few times with its spiky tail, but in the end the large meat eater succeeds in breaking its neck. In another flash of lightening the T-Rex roars triumphantly. The last we see of the stegosaur is its small, glazing eyes looking up at its killer and then closing as the T-Rex bends down to feast.
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation