10 Unexpected Movie Deaths That Came Out Of NOWHERE

3. Peter Parker - Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

Pulp Fiction

Spider-Man has had a couple of deaths during his time in the world of comic books, however audiences had never had to experience seeing one properly unfold in front of them before Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

No, Infinity War doesn't count.

The film follows Miles Morales as he treks down an abandoned subway station and watches Spider-Man attempt to stop Kingpin and Green Goblin from setting off a Super-Collider which could destroy the city. It's a standard superhero movie start, but soon takes a more unsettling turn as audiences begin to notice that Spider-Man really is taking the word 'losing' to another level.

An explosion from the Collider ends up killing Goblin and leaving this version of Peter Parker a little worse for ware. He delivers the most heartbreaking superhero line of 'yeah... yeah, always get up' to Miles, before ushering him away and facing Kingpin one last time.

And despite the pretty perilous position and the sorry state he's in, suddenly seeing Kingpin smash his fists into Parker is enough to trigger a gasp out of any audience member. There's no shying away of things either, this universe's version of Peter Parker was just flat out murdered by Kingpin in one of the most shocking and tear-jerking moments in Marvel history.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.