10 Unexpected Movie Deaths That Came Out Of NOWHERE

4. General Zod - Man Of Steel

Pulp Fiction
Warner Bros.

Be it films or comic books, there are certain things fans have come to expect from Superman over the years. One of the most touchy of these things with fans is when it comes to Krypton's finest taking someone's life. Zak Snyder's Man of Steel wasn't the first story to see Supes kill someone, however it was definitely the one which sparked the biggest reaction from audiences.

In the film's final showdown, the destruction of which on the ground was shown from a very different angle in Batman vs. Superman, Superman has the evil General Zod in a neck hold but is forced into an impossible decision when his enemy targets a nearby family with his laser vision. Realising that Zod will never stop inflicting pain, Supes is forced into snapping his neck.

Audiences have seen plenty of final square offs in their time, with a lot of them having similarly high stakes, however this level of bleakness that ultimately blurs the lines between whether or not Superman has taken a man's life in pretty cold blood came out of absolutely nowhere.

This one shocking moment really caused a stir with how people saw the film, and still impacts the legacy of the DC universe to this day.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.