10 Unexpected Reasons Behind Awesome Horror Movie Moments

9. David Sheds A Tear Because The Contact Lenses Were Painful - The Lost Boys

The Lost Boys David Kiefer Sutherland
Warner Bros.

In the climax of Joel Schumacher's iconic comedy-horror film The Lost Boys, vampire David (Kiefer Sutherland) sheds a tear after his vampiric pal Marko (Alex Winter) is killed and sunlight burns his own hand.

It's a moment which seemingly conveys the pain of a vampire coming into contact with sunlight, and yet according to Schumacher himself on the film's DVD commentary, it stemmed from actor Kiefer Sutherland's very real pain during filming.

As it turns out, the distinctive yellow colored contact lenses that Sutherland had to wear while portraying David's vampire form caused the actor extreme ocular irritation, resulting in him shedding genuine tears while cameras were rolling.

Schumacher ultimately felt that it fit the scene, and it certainly did, so decided to keep the vampire tears in rather than call "cut!" Needless to say, Sutherland's anguish would probably be spared were the film made today, with how easily eyes can be digitally manipulated in post-production.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.