10 Unforgettably Grisly Film Scenes In Which Characters Lost Limbs Or Appendages

8. Ash's Possessed Hand (Evil Dead II)

Hands - Evil Dead II 2 The sequel to the original Evil Dead sees Ash Williams forced to spend another night with the spirits of the Evil Dead in the cabin in the woods. After he has a dream in which his girlfriend Linda's severed torso dances outside the cabin, her severed head lands in his lap and proceeds to bite hard into his right hand. After Linda's final death - caused by Ash using a chainsaw on her still functioning, evil severed head - Ash goes inside to console himself, when his right hand begins to shake and tremble uncontrollably as it has become possessed. After a brief struggle, in which his own hand is attacking him, Ash cuts it off with his chainsaw. It is this which leads to the iconic, bad-ass version of Ash which sees him replacing his severed hand with that very chainsaw.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.