10 Unforgettably Grisly Film Scenes In Which Characters Lost Limbs Or Appendages

6. Carly's Finger Is Cut Off (House Of Wax)

House Of Wax Finger When a group of teenagers head on a road trip to watch a big football game, they camp out for the night and encounter a strange man in a pickup truck. The following day, they wake to find that one of their cars won't start due to a suspiciously broken fan belt. Soon after, they run into a scruffy, creepy rural man named Lester, who offers to drive two of the teens (Wade and Carly) to the nearby town of Ambrose to get a new fan belt, while the rest of them go to the football game. When the pair arrive at the town, which is virtually a ghost town, they find and unattended auto-mechanics shop, so they wander into the nearby church to look for someone, disrupting a funeral in the process. Whilst there, they meet a mechanic named Bo who offers to sell them a fan belt after the funeral has finished. After finding that there are none the right size in his shop, he takes them to his house to find one the correct size. Wade is killed and Carly is captured by Bo and imprisoned in a cellar, taped to a chair with her lips glued together. After hitting traffic, the rest of their group turn back - giving up on the football game - and come to find Wade and Carly. Carly's twin brother, Nick, speaks with Bo at his shop and Carly - unable to scream - tries to get his attention by putting her fingers through a gutter grate. Bo crouches down, pretending to tie his shoe-laces, and cuts off one of her fingers with a pair of wire cutters.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.