10 Unfortunate Consequences Of Living In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

6. There's No Point In Scientific Advancement

Thor A main credo of science is the advancement of man. I'm well aware I'm over-simplifying it a bit, but at its heart, science is all about feats of human ingenuity somehow expanding the boundaries of our knowledge and making our lives better. We've marvelled throughout generations about what we've been able to come up with using nowt but the grey matter between our ears, graduating from chariots to cars to jet fighters. Yet in the Marvel universe, Earth was shorn of that feeling in about 2009. What happened then? Thor showed up, that's what, and proceeded to tell a goddamned world-renowned astrophysicist that our knowledge is painfully inadequate compared to Asgardian knowledge, which he claimed was based on such amazing science that we might as well consider it magic. Effectively, it's like us turning up in the Dark Ages with a microwave in how far above us it all is, and just to make the point he gallivants through a dimensional portal that transports him light-years away in seconds, effectively rendering all our piecemeal progress slightly moot. Imagine being the scientist who turns up the day after Thor smashed onto Earth. Instantly, there's been a paradigm shift of biblical proportions €“ everything you know is painfully inadequate compared to what's possible. Sure, you've known that before, but this time, there's a chap who has access to resources that'll make our lives infinitely better. Using those Odinsleep coffins, we could cure most ailments and make ourselves immortal. Using Asgardian technology, we could learn how to use the Tesseract for energy and war, and could probably learn how to traverse the universe at a fraction of the space-faring cost. So you think to yourself, what's the point of researching, when we could just ask this super-society for the answers? It's like building a house knowing the professionals are going to turn up at the end €“ utterly pointless and made frustrating by the effort. So really, it's better to just throw yourself on his mercy than toil in his shadow.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.