10 Unhappy Movie Endings With Overlooked Positives

6. Late Spring

latespringThe Sad: In the classic Japanese drama by beloved filmmaker Yasuijro Ozu, Shukichi Somiya is a man in his late middle age who lives with his daughter Noriko. Noriko dotes on her father, and despite the needling by her aunt and best friend to get married, she is perfectly content to live with and care for her father. It isn't until her father informs her that he plans on re-marrying that Noriko even considers the man-- who evidently resembles Gary Cooper-- her aunt wants to set her up with. Noriko ultimately marries the man, who we as the audience never get the opportunity to meet. At the end of the film, as Shukichi and Noriko's converse in a bar, we learn that Shukichi never had any intention on finding a new wife; telling his daughter that was merely a ploy for her to feel able to leave his home and start a family on her own. The Silver Lining: Noriko's relationship with her father was far too codependent, to say the least. Getting out of his house is good for both of them.
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