10 Unhappy Movie Endings With Overlooked Positives

5. Blue Valentine

bluevalentineThe Sad: The 2010 film Blue Valentine follows Dean (Ryan Gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams) meeting as a young couple, falling in love and ultimately the dissolution of their marriage. Told in a non-linear fashion, the audience sees moments of the two as their relationship begins happily, intercut with scenes of Dean drunk and Cindy re-connecting with her old boyfriend. The two make a last-ditch effort to rekindle their marriage, but end up getting drunk and fighting. Cindy leaves early to work, which sends Dean into a tailspin as he storms into her work. Their final fight is so boisterous it results in Cindy getting fired and their marriage ends. The Silver Lining: Dean and Cindy were a horrible couple. Just because we saw Dean serenading her once on the street while she danced five years ago doesn't mean their present-day self-destructive tendencies are something they should work through.
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