10 Unintentionally Funny Horror Movie Villains

6. Camerahead - Hellrasier III: Hell On Earth

The Dentist 2
Miramax Films

Take a second to think of all the terrifying Cenobites found throughout the Hellraiser franchise. Pinhead, The Wire Twins, Angelique, The Chatterer, these monstrous designs make you require a change of pants at the mere sight of them. But then, there are characters like this who make you wish the series had died and gone to hell sooner.

The third Hellraiser movie was an embarrassing low point for the franchise, as it introduced some of the worst characters, like CD and Barbie. Still, neither of them matched the hilarity and absurdity of Camerahead. He's a Cenobite who, shockingly, has a camera lodged in his head. Wow.

This Cenobite started life as a cameraman named Daniel 'Doc' Fisher, who worked alongside the lead girl, Joey Summerskill. But, things went wrong for Doc as he was transformed into one of the demonic beasties. His camera was lodged into his head, and his lens eye could even cause explosions. Because cameras cause explosions now?

The character is hilarious, as the prosthetic work is incredibly dated, and the general design is goofy as hell. Plus, while Ken Carpenter has fun in the role, he matches the quality of the rest of the movie's acting, i.e. not very good.

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