10 Unintentionally Funny Horror Movie Villains

7. Vilmer - Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation

The Dentist 2
Columbia Pictures

Good god, Matthew McConaughey, you're a future Oscar winner. What on Earth are you doing?!

It's safe to say your first few movies aren't going to be your best work, and credit to McConaughey here, he really gives this role his all. But damn, there are moments that are so bizarre they got audiences laughing rather than wincing. Still, that's what the Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation experience is about, as the whole thing is a ludicrous and nonsensical movie.

When Vilmer is doing his worst as a terrifying stoic cannibal, he's a very effective villain. But, when he starts letting his mania run wild, with McConaughey chewing the scenery and going overboard, all of that gets lost. He bounces around the screen, making random noises like he's high on lemonade at the school disco. Maybe it could have worked in a different movie, but it's just laughable here.

All of that doesn't even cover things like his robotic knee brace, which is such a bizarre addition to the character that doesn't even get any explanation. The movie, in general, is a wild ride, and Vilmer is a hilarious part of that.

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