10 Unintentionally Funny Moments In Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man Trilogy

3. Peter Tries To Stop The Train – Spider-Man 2

Spider man tobey maguire

The train fight in Spider-Man 2 is a strong contender for the best scene in the whole trilogy. It’s an exhilarating sequence from start to finish and holds up remarkably well considering it was made in the early 2000s.

The only problem is Toby Maguire’s slightly unorthodox acting towards the end of the scene. Indeed, as Spider-Man musters all his strength to prevent the train from crashing, he starts to yell like a lunatic.

Whilst this is somewhat understandable given what he’s attempting to do, Peter’s facial expressions make him look as if he’s trying to lay a giant egg. What’s more, this moment becomes funnier the longer it goes on due to the increasing volume of Peter’s yells.

Though this doesn’t ruin the scene, it’s certainly hard to keep a straight face whilst watching it.

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