10 Unintentionally Hilarious Horror Movie Monsters

3. Butt Weasels - Dreamcatcher (2003)

Chompy & the Girls
Warner Bros.

Look at that; Stephen King is back and better than ever. If better means making audiences laugh instead of scream, that is. 

Of all King's bizarre creations, the butt-weasels (also known by the more profane name s**t weasels) are certainly his strangest. Their namesake gives a lot away, but to put it plainly, they're a parasitic alien race that gestates in your stomach before coming out of your butt. Does that sound scary to you? Or is it utterly laughable? 

Now, the butt-weasel's toilet-based form is only the first stage of its existence, but it's impossible to take seriously after knowing where it came from. Just imagine if you saw your friend with an alien that looks like a living poop climbing out their backside. Even in those dire circumstances, you'd probably die laughing before rushing to help.

King's intention with this creature was to replicate the horrors of the bathroom, a space where you look in on your body and often find abnormalities. It's a great idea, in theory, but booty aliens don't quite do it justice.

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