10 Unintentionally Hilarious Horror Movies

4. Basket-Case

Basket Case
Analysis Film Releasing Corporation

This film has a fantastic legacy in the horror genre. It is regarded as one of the most entertaining movies you can watch. People have discussed it for years, and it even went on to create a trilogy of films. That is all because this movie is hilarious.

The story follows a young man who carries around a basket that holds the deformed body of his Siamese-twin. The two were separated against their will and seek revenge on the doctors who operated the procedure. Nothing in this project makes logical sense, and that helps to make it so entertaining. The connection between the brothers is strange, and this combined with bad acting and filmmaking creates an abomination of a movie.

Of course, the biggest flaw is the laughably bad effect of the Siamese-twin in the basket. This really stands out and makes the film lack any sense of fear or dread. Like the story itself, there is no nuance or detail within it, and it exists merely in an unfinished state.

The trilogy gets more and more ridiculous and is worth watching if you want a decent laugh at something that never manages to be scary.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!