10 Unintentionally Hilarious Horror Movies

3. Dreamcatcher

Basket Case
Warner Bros.

Stephen King has generated some of the best tales of our generation. The Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, Stand By Me and many more are all examples of how this talented writer creates stories that truly stay with you. This one sticks with you too, but for entirely the wrong reasons.

Dreamcatcher was the first story that King wrote after almost dying in a car accident, and it seems that he may have still been too heavily medicated when he wrote it. The intentions he set out with can sort of be seen as amicable, but ultimately in execution, it fails.

The film is about a hunting trip in which some friends discover that the town they are visiting has become plagued by a group of parasitic aliens. The aliens first appear by coming from the butt of a man the friends found in a forest. From then on the creatures become known as s**t-weasels. It is bizarre, to say the least. King claims that he wanted to do to the toilet what Psycho did for the shower. It does not work.

There is plenty of complex narratives, including possession and government meddling. Despite its ridiculousness the film has a surprisingly serious tone that makes it unbelievably laughable and takes away any sense of tension or fear.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!