10 Unintentionally Hilarious Moments In Horror Movies

1. The Penanggalan - Mystics In Bali

House Of The Dead
Video Tape Corp.

Mystics in Bali begins with a woman called Cathy travelling to Indonesia to research black magic for a book. She contacts an old witch who grants her superpowers by carving a magical tattoo on her legs with her tongue. If that sounds weird, it isn't. It's just a warm-up for the insanity to come.

Little does Cathy realise that this enchantment turns her into a penanggalan. Penanggalans are vampires that look normal during the day. But at night, a penanggalan's heads separate from its body, with its lungs, stomach, and intestines dangling below. It then floats around, sucking the babies out of pregnant women.

Now, the concept of the penanggalan is genuinely eerie and plays a big part in Asian mythology. But watching a vampire head and organs whizzing around a village looks absolutely ridiculous.

Sometimes, the penanggalan shots are performed with an optical effect while other times, it's done with a marionette head. Either way, it looks hilarious. Although Mystics in Bali has scenes with talking fireballs, women vomiting mice, and witches transforming into big-boobed pigs, the reveal of the penanggalan has to be the stand-out moment.

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