10 Unintentionally Hilarious Moments In Horror Movies

7. A Character Avoids Getting Shot, Dies Anyway - Alone In The Dark

House Of The Dead
Lions Gate Films

Uwe Boll has a reputation for churning out pitiful video game adaptations as well as being one of the worst film directors ever. Having said that, his film, Alone in the Dark, is atrocious, even by video game adaptation standards. Hell, it's bad by Uwe Boll standards!

Christian Slater plays an occult detective called Carnby who teams up with a paranormal bureau to eliminate the Abskani demons before they destroy humanity. As the bureau infiltrate the Abskani's lair, one of the demons possesses a woman and lunges at the bureau's commander, Burke. Luckily, Carnby fires his rifle at her, causing the possessed woman to drop dead.

But here's the problem. The bullet doesn't hit her! You can unmistakably see the bullet fly three feet over her head and yet, she falls to the ground. Trying to analyse this shot gets more confusing the more you think about it. Why did the editor computer-generated a bullet to miss her? Why did the director look at this shot and think, "Yep! Nailed it. Print it!" Why did the editor animate the bullet for this shot in the first place? Was he trying to screw up the shot?

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