10 Unintentionally Hilarious Moments In The Matrix Franchise

1. The Baby-Faced Voice Of The Sentinels - The Matrix Revolutions

The Matrix
Warner Bros. Pictures

While Smith might have been the overarching villain of The Matrix series, a huge portion of the films were also dedicated to the looming threat of the machines that enslaved and warred with the humans of Zion.

As a nameless, voiceless horde, there wasn't a tangible being for the heroes to come face to face with and speak their peace until the final act of The Matrix Revolutions - where Neo, with nothing left to lose, faces off against a swarm of sentinels.

Neo calmly asks to speak his words, and the swarm of sentinels take shape before a giant spiky speaker and create a face to interact with Neo.

The face, of a chubby-cheeked infant by the looks of things. It's meant to be terrifying - a face made of machines swirling like a vortex and speaking with a godly voice to our messianic hero. But why, in Deus Ex Machina's name, did the Wachowskis give it a nose and eyebrows? I can't take it seriously; that little angry baby mouth flailing about as it talks to Neo is the sort of thing Saturday Night Live would parody. And here it is, in a Matrix movie. Five minutes prior, Neo was saying his goodbyes to a dying Trinity. Now, he's calmly lecturing a giant, metallic Tommy Pickles head.

The intensity in the moment is ruined, and all I can think of is that chubby baby-face.

I mean just look at those cheeks, don't you want to pinch them!


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!