10 Unintentionally Hilarious Moments In The Matrix Franchise

2. The Architect's Thesaurus - The Matrix Reloaded

The Matrix
Warner Bros.

You remember that moment when you were in school, and a teacher would give you a telling off and for some reason you and your buddies are suddenly stifling a laugh. That nervous laughter is what this whole scene evokes.

It's an unexplained, uncontrollable hilarity that blossoms out of a scene that shouldn't be funny in the slightest. It's in this sequence in The Matrix Reloaded that Neo steps through the light toward The Source, and meets the creator of the Matrix. The Architect sits atop his throne surrounded by screens showing Neo's entire life in a Truman Show-esque fashion. And in this scene, The Architect proceeds to give Neo (and the audience) the full explanation.

It's difficult to describe what fans were expecting from this scene, but it definitely wasn't this. The explanation of what The Matrix is makes even less sense when The Architect's choice of words are so indecipherable it borders comedic.

It's absurd - The Architect's ramblings are so difficult to follow you just zone out and wait for the scene to pass. You've given up! You're never going to know what's going on. And all you can do is hysterically laugh at his diction, dialogue and whatever diatribe he's spilling.

And what is The Architect actually saying? Honestly ask yourself if you know. Colonel Sanders is speaking so much gibberish in this scene, he might as well be giving audiences the eleven herbs and spices for KFC.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!