10 Unique Genre-Bending Indie Films Of 2020

1. Hunter Hunter

Hunter Hunter
IFC Midnight

Genre: Horror / Mystery / Thriller / Creature Feature

This American was just released on December 18th, and stars Devon Sawa - yes, your boy from “Casper" and “Final Destination” but, oh boy, has he changed. There is Camille Sullivan and Nick Stahl as the dark and twisted Lew.

Joseph Mersault (Devon Sawa) and his family live in the remote wilderness as fur trappers, until they think they are being hunted by the return of a rogue wolf and their idyll is at stake. Joseph leaves his daughter and wife behind to track the creature, and things go pretty fairy tale from here. HUNTER HUNTER tracks back to the old versions of the Grimm’s Fairy Tales you try to forget, and that’s a good thing. It gives the movie the opportunity to explore how to intersect mystery with our favourite classic folk horror elements. This concept has been used in other, pre 2020 genre benders such as “Horsemen” or “Hold the Dark”.

The overall question, however, is: is this a werewolf tale? Or is there another kind of Big Bad lurking in the wintry woods? The thing is that HUNTER HUNTER could indeed work as a creature feature. It has enough potholes to give us the freedom to think it is.

What if the dark trapper Lew was the wolf himself, a shapeshifter who resembled a wolf? It would explain many things such as the return of the wolf Joseph hunted and that has once seemingly disappeared, a car being left for too long, or Josephs daughter who seemingly hears her dog howl as if he was hurt … This mystery horror twister never really shows it’s cards, but we all know what could be, don’t we. HUNTER HUNTER is another perfect example of balancing genres and mixing them just enough to keep on surprising you. And that’s really what a movie should do.

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Ballerina turned author and filmmaker. All time adventuress.