10 Unique Genre-Bending Indie Films Of 2020
7. Clay's Redemption
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Action/Horror/Thriller
In this colourful cocktail of a indie film, we follow Clay, a body-swapping enforcer, searching for a ay out of his enforced circle of life. His adventure takes place in a city run by - mostly corrupt - Immortals while under the concrete an old world of Gods slumbers.
CLAYS REDEMPTION plays with as many genres as possible - once more a low budget indie flick that puts every penny on the screen.
Main character Clay is a convict in a world that shows strong elements of science fiction, while introducing characters that could well have jumped right out of an ancient lore. There are elements of Greek mythology, harsh Christian influences, subtle traces of classic horror John Carpenter would have appreciated, peppered with some nice action scenes for good measure.
While it is overall a thriller, it effortlessly juggles it’s many genre-bending ideas and influences. What makes this movie so compelling is that is consciously stands against the shouty blockbusters of today, and instead sneaks up on you, until you are in its grip. A strong debut from director Carlos Boellinger, that mostly works in a superb way and definitely deserves one or the other rewatch to discover the many subtle gestures on the way.