10 Unique Genre-Bending Indie Films Of 2020
6. Freaky
Genre: Slasher/Comedy/Sci-Fi
The body-swap sub-genre is probably the wet dream of every actor. With FREAKY writer-director Christopher Landon splices together throwback slasher with the plot of a family-friendly comedy once again. While his murderous loop and Groundhog Day homage “Happy Death Day” was patchy but pacy, the classic being junked into the blender this time is “Freaky Friday” in a most refreshing way, and with much more going on than mere slasher mayhem.
High schooler Millie is not exactly comfortable in her own skin. She is dealing with the loss of her father and a mother who doesn’t cope too well. At school, she is the football mascot bullied by girls and rejected by boys. When she sees a creepy figure late at night, she runs while also resigned to the fact that she is going to be killed. In the end it IS always the supporting character, never the lead, right? Right. When Millie is caught by the stranger, he stabs her with a magic dagger that causes their bodies to switch by the next day … Friday the 13th.
This time the filmmakers run riot with an “R” making the most of it from the very first scene, and keeps up the prefect cocktail mix of gory sashes elements as a base-line, stirred with comedy and squashed science fiction.