10 Unlikely (But Wonderful) Relationships That Spawned In Movies

8. Eric Cruise & Mac (Mac and Me)

Mac And Me1 Mac and Me is a film about a "Mysterious Alien Creature" (MAC or Mac) who escapes from NASA agents (who have ill-intentions for him) and who is befriended by a young disabled boy called Eric. Together, they try to find Mac's family, from whom he has been separated. When Mac (the youngest member of the alien family) escapes, his family do too but, while they head out to the desert, he makes his way to a street alone where he accidentally causes several cars to crash. He then makes his way into a van, of which Eric is a passenger along with his Mother. Eric then spends his time trying to hide Mac from the NASA agents who have discovered his whereabouts thanks to the carnage he inadvertently causes while living with Eric - such as a massive power outage in the neighbourhood. In an action-packed finale in which Mac is reunited with his family, which involves a shoot-out and a massive explosion, Eric is killed. However, he is brought back to life by the alien's powers and, as a result, they are granted citizenship with the Cruise family, their neighbours and the two FBI agents in attendance.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.